Monday, January 4, 2016

What Happens Next Entries!!

Hiya Readers! Thanks for dropping by! Today I reveal the entries for my "What Happens Next?" writing assignment. I received three entries and they were so much fun to read. Thank you for your entries!

The first entry I received was from Faith. I really enjoyed reading your entry :) I loved your story idea (I can actually see myself writing something like this) I especially loved who you brought in at the end. But you're going to have to continue this story or I might have to use the end of your story as another "What Happen Next?" Assignment! Great Job :)

(Bold font is the original prompt I gave)
Faith's Entry:

 Danielle sat up and threw off the blankets. She couldn't stand it any longer. She rushed down the loft. She shivered when her feet hit the cold, wooden floor and hurried to the living room.
            Lillian sat in the rocking chair, between the fireplace and the window. Sweet baby Oakley was sleeping soundly; safe in her arms and oblivious to all going on around him.
           Although the answer was apparent, Danielle voiced the question anyway. “He's still not home?”
            Lillian looked up, startled. “Oh, Danielle. I didn't hear you come in.” She turned her gaze back to the flames, licking the logs with their fiery orange tongues. “No… Paul is not home yet.”
             Danielle padded across the small room and perched on the edge of the stone hearth. The warmth felt good against her back, but lost in her worries she hardly noticed.

            Lillian bent her head to kiss Oakley’s nose. “I'm so frightened. Paul has never been away this long without a reason. I hope he's not–”

            She pressed her lips tightly together and glanced away.
            Danielle felt a clutch of fear at her heart. Please, God, keep Paul safe and bring him home soon. Give comfort to Lillian. She reached over and brushed Oakley’s soft cheek. “Maybe something came up and he's waiting until the storm is over.”
            Lillian smiled and peered behind Danielle into the fire. “Would you mind holding him while I go for more wood?”
            “And send you out in this?” Danielle shook her head. “He looks pretty content to me. I'll go get the wood.”
            Lillian relented. “Alright, dear. Be careful, please.”
            “Of course.” She grabbed a shawl from the wall peg behind the door and pulled on her boots. Hurrying outside, the strength of the cold wind blast made her gasp. She shivered and made her way through the ankle deep snow to the woodpile nestled against the chimney.
            Bending over, intent on grabbing some wood and high-tailing it back into the cabin, she was spooked by a sound that blew along with the wind.
            Danielle glanced over her shoulder. Well, that's just creepy. I was certain I heard a voice. She pulled the shawl closer around her and quickly loaded her arms with wood.
            “You at the cabin!”
            As Danielle squinted into the whirling snowstorm, the figure of a man and a horse slowly appeared. She blinked numerous times and tried to decide if she should stay there or go fetch Lillian.
            “Is this the O’Neal cabin?” the mysterious man asked.
            Danielle hesitated and backed away towards the door. “Yes, it is. Why do you ask? Who are you?”
            “I think I found someone who belongs here.” He was now standing mere feet from her, his face covered with a muffler. It was then that Danielle realized there was another man, this one slumped awkwardly against the horse’s neck.
            “Paul!?” She dropped the wood and rushed towards him.
            “So this is the right place.”
            “Yes,” Danielle managed, while taking in Paul’s unconscious form.
            “Is he your father?” The man wanted to know.
            “Yes,” she repeated. The simple answer was out of her mouth before Danielle had a chance to give it a second thought. Instead of bothering to explain, she asked, “what happened?”
            “I don't rightly know, ma'am. Logging accident of some sort. I came across him a little ways from here.” He looped the horse’s reins around the post. “Is there someone to help get him inside?”
            Danielle nodded. “I can help.” She bounded up onto the porch, threw open the door and called out. “Lillian! Come quick! It's Paul!”
            Danielle was assisting the stranger in pulling Paul out of the saddle, when Lillian appeared in the doorway. “Oh my goodness! What happened?”
            “I don't know,” Danielle replied. “This man brought him home.”
            With Danielle's help, though she wasn't sure it was much, they managed to get Paul inside and into the bedroom.
            Lillian thanked the man repeatedly and insisted that he stay with them for the night and sleep by the fireplace. “It's the least we can do. You can't go back out in this storm.”
            Still garbed in his coat, hat and muffler, the strange man agreed to remain there.
            Though she was concerned for Paul, Danielle obeyed Lillian and led the man back to the fireplace. “Can I take your coat?” she asked, when he made no move to remove it.
            He nodded. While facing away from her, which Danielle thought was rather odd, he pulled off his muffler and then paused.
            Even from the indirect angle, with the muffler gone he looked strangely familiar. When he turned and she could clearly see his face, Danielle gasped in recognition.

The next entry I received was from Jesseca. This entry was amazing to me because I wrote a piece similar to this where Danielle runs off into the woods to do some contemplating. I loved how you depicted Danielle because Danielle does act tough but she really struggles on the inside :-) Well done!

Jesseca's Entry:

Danielle sat up and threw off the blankets. She couldn't stand it any longer. She rushed down the loft.
​            No one saw her as she slipped quietly through the kitchen and out the backdoor, disappearing into the darkness.
​            A small breeze blew through the grass making the night pleasantly cool and the moon was shining brightly, but Danielle didn't even notice it. She made her way over to the lone tree that sat a little ways away from the house. Close enough to see it, but far enough away that no one would hear her.
She wrapped her arms around the rough bark and laid her head against it. For some reason, its familiarity comforted her.

Away from everyone else, she finally let the tears come and her body shook with sobs. She glanced up at the starry sky. "Why, God? You've already taken papa and mamma. You don't need Belle too. We need her. She glanced down and traced an unseen pattern in the leaves as the tears and feeling she had held back for so long threatened to overwhelm her. "I need her, God. Please, don't take her away from me too."

I received an entry from Bethany R.! Despite the fact she was busy and didn't have much time to write, she still put together this awesome little paragraph! This paragraph greatly intrigues me and I desperately want to know what happens next! Thanks for entering and good job!

Bethany's Entry:

Danielle sat up and threw off the blankets. She couldn't stand it any longer. She rushed down the loft. Quickly saddling her buckskin gelding, Danielle equipped herself with her bow and quiver of arrows. She led her faithful mount out of the barn and to a tree stump. 

After mounting she cast a quick glance over her shoulder at the silent house and galloped away. She had to find her missing brother. She would not wait any longer for word to reach her of her brother's welfare. Determination in her eyes, Danielle searched to and fro for any signs of him—or the enemy.

Soooooo whaddya think? Should I do another one? I had a lot of fun receiving and reading your entries. I'd love to do another as long as you guys are interested! 
Are you all having a great start to 2016? I know I am!


  1. All the entries were great! I'd love it if you did another one!! :) I had a lot of fun!

    1. The entries were great! I want to do another one too so I think I'm going to start working on another writing prompt... Thanks for commenting and entering!

  2. Wow, great job Faith, Jesseca, and Bethany! All of your entries were awesome! :D

    And Lauren, yes, I totally think you should do another one! Maybe I'll even be able to enter in it next time ;)

    1. Sweet! I'd love for you to be able to enter. I'll get to work on writing another prompt. :D Thanks for commenting.

  3. I would love it if you did another one. This time I could actually think about what to write rather than just quickly write something. Thanks for doing it!

    1. Glad you still entered though! Thanks for commenting!

  4. Amazing entries, Jesseca and Bethany!!! :D Yes, Lauren! I'd love to do more of these. :)
    Thanks for hosting!! (And for not minding how long my story was...*cough, cough*)

    1. Haha I said you guys could have free rein! You were perfectly fine in how long you made it :) Thanks for commenting :D
