Meet Lauren

Hey everyone!

   My name is Lauren and I'm the oldest child in my family. Some random facts about me:

  • I love music! I sing alto in my church choir and I've had numerous opportunities to sing special music at church with my sister, friends, and with a few ladies ensembles.  Recently, I have been recording myself singing hymns acapella and editing them to make videos.
  •   I enjoy writing! I have written lots of little stories for my family and friends and some just for my personal enjoyment. I wrote a short story in 2013 that won Honorable Mention in the Circle C Adventures writing contest.
  • I'm a freshman in college studying Communication Arts: Digital Media

Here on the blog you can expect to find the stories of the Hansen girls as well as other little stories I've written. I love participating in blog tags and on Mondays, I try to share a Biblical meditation thought for readers to think on.

Thanks for visiting the blog! I hope you enjoy looking around.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to "meet" you! Fun to learn more about you, for sure. :) So glad you're on here!
