Thursday, September 29, 2016

The O'Neal Girls Chapter 24


Probably not...but read on and see if some of your suspicions were correct :D 

Chapter 24

​            Hoofbeats outside roused the women and girls inside the cabin. Belle peeked out the kitchen window and squealed happily.
            The rest of the family bolted from the house and into the yard as the men returned. Joe took the bodies of Charles and Davy out behind the barn; he didn’t want the women to see them. He also stowed Evans and Al in the barn until Paul was ready to take them into town.
Caleb lighted off his horse and Belle flew into his arms. Her gentle arms caressed him, easing the fresh pain of his brother’s untimely death.
            “I was so worried,” Belle whispered after kissing him.
            “He didn’t make it…” Caleb choked out.
            Belle pulled away. “What?”
            “We lost him.” Caleb struggled to keep his voice steady.
            Belle looked around and saw Paul and Lillian embracing with the girls standing around them and Joe and Cassandra kissing each other fervently. Davy was nowhere to be seen.
Belle’s heart skipped a beat. “Davy...?”
Paul and Lillian stepped up to the two. Oakley sat atop Paul’s shoulders playing with his father’s hair, giggling happily; unaware of the life that was lost.
Paul set his free hand on Belle’s shoulder. “He died saving me from one of Charles’s men.” 
Lillian’s hand went over her mouth when she heard the news. 
Belle turned to Caleb and she could see him crumbling under the pressure of trying to stay strong. She looped her arm through his and pulled him away from the crowd where they could have some privacy.
“Caleb…I’m so sorry...”
“Don’t.” Caleb said. “I can’t do this now.” Caleb took a deep breath and composed himself. “I need to help Mr. O’Neal with Charles’s men.” 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Belle grabbed his hand.
“I will be.” Caleb squeezed her hand and the two joined the group again.
            Paul, Lillian, Cassandra, and Joe were headed to the barn to be sure it was Charles Wiggins that Caleb had shot and killed. Danielle begrudgingly stayed behind with the younger girls to keep them busy.
​            “That’s him,” Cassandra whispered when Paul drew back the sheet covering Charles.
            “He’s the spitting image of Harold,” Lillian sighed. “I’m so glad you’re all safe.”
            Caleb’s face darkened at Lillian’s words.
            “Oh, Caleb I—” Lillian realized what she had said and apologetically reached out her hand. She squeezed his shoulder, “I’m sorry.”
            “Davy did a good thing,” Caleb said quickly. “And I’m glad this man won’t hurt any of you again.”
            “We have two of his accomplices to turn in to the sheriff,” Paul added, steering the conversation away from Davy.
            Joe pulled two men out from one of the horse stalls. “Do any of you recognize these men?”
​            Belle looked at the men. The man called Evans she had never seen before, but Al seemed familiar. He had dark, chocolate colored hair, a thin line of whiskers framed his jaw and his, but his lip supported a thick mustache. He had brown eyes and an upset and angry look about him but somehow, Belle saw through that and recognized the man’s face. Suddenly it all clicked. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes.
“Albert!” she cried running at the young man. 
​            “Belle?” Al said in astonishment. “Belle, is that you?” 

​            Belle rushed over to him and hugged him. “Albert! I thought we’d never see each other again!” 
​            “Belle, I’m so sorry, I never should’ve left.” Joe hesitantly cut Al loose and Al put his arms around Belle. “Leaving you girls was the stupidest thing I ever did.” Albert leaned down and kissed Belle’s cheek.  
​            Cassandra ran over and joined the hug. “Albert!” 
​            “Cassandra,” Albert murmured. “How are you?” 
“Good! And you?” 
“I’m doing alright. How’s Danni?” 
​            “Fine as can be,” Belle laughed. 
​            “The twins?” 
​            “Helpful as ever,” Cassandra nodded. 
​            “Hannah and Jinger?” 
​            No one spoke. Belle and Cassandra pulled away. They looked at each other. Belle turned back at Albert and took a breath. “Hannah and Jinger died in December.” 
​            Albert looked up sadly. “No.” Tears came to his eyes. “How did it happen?” 
​            “They got sick and no one knew before it was too late…” 
​            Albert held his sisters in a hug again. “I’m sorry you had to go through that alone.” 
​            “Alone?” Cassandra said arching her eyebrows. “We had Ma and Pa.” 
​            “Ma and Pa?” Albert said. 
​            “This is Paul and Lillian O’Neal.” Belle introduced. “They adopted the girls and have been letting me stay with them.” 
​            Albert walked to greet the O’Neals. “Nice to meet you,” he said. He was invited inside while Evans was left in the barn. The meeting between the sisters and Albert was one the girls would cherish forever. Danielle was first to run over and hug him and ask him a million questions. The rest followed seconds later jumping on him and smothering him with hugs. During a big breakfast, the sisters explained how they met the Carters, were split up, and adopted by the O’Neals, Hannah and Jinger’s death, and all the things in between. 
When breakfast was over, Paul began sending most of the girls outside. He explained that he needed to talk with Albert.  
Albert stopped him. “Mr. O’Neal, my sisters have a right to know what happened to me.” 
​            Paul stopped and brought the girls back in. Paul and Lillian sat on the loveseat with Oakley, Albert claimed Lillian’s rocker, and Nadia scrambled onto his lap. The rest of the girls crowded around him and on the couch with Joe and Caleb listening nearby. ​           
“The boys and I went to a big city called Maple Town,” Albert explained. “Gideon and I found steady jobs. We met a real nice family—the Tyes. They have a daughter and a son and Isaac and Kenny stayed with them while Gideon and I took a job at a ranch for a month. Everything was going fine. Then, my friends Harris and Evans lost their jobs. They weren’t good people, but they were the only friends I had. 
​            “I started hanging out with them more and more until I was always at the saloon with them and I eventually lost my job at the ranch. Gideon blew up at me…he was so mad. Isaac and Kenny were shocked and didn’t understand. I sent them to stay with the Tyes again. My girl, Judy Tye, left me. I screwed up big time. 
​            “After a few days, reports of a big shot man named Charles Wiggins surfaced. Everyone heard how he been in jail for a short while, but he paid bail and took over a banking business. Evans told Harris and me that Charles needed help and he was willing to pay a lot. We rushed at the chance. Charles explained that he needed someone to help him with his “dirty work”. We agreed, desperate for a job. Soon we found out he wanted to avenge his Uncle Harold. He wanted his girl back right away. We geared up and prepared to leave town. I wrote a note to the boys…I hope they aren’t too mad at me. 
​            “A few weeks ago, we started back this way. Charles and I spent most of our time staking out a hideout while Evans and Harris stayed in town, learning about the O’Neals. I never realized it was you Cassandra. I wouldn’t have done this if I knew it was you.” Albert shook his head. “I’m really sorry everyone. Now your brother is dead,” Albert looked at Caleb.     
Caleb looked away from Albert. “I best get home. I’ll see you later.” Caleb smashed his hat on his head and strode out the door. Belle raced after him.
Albert frowned and glanced over his sisters. “Well…when Belle comes back, we can discuss moving you girls to Mapletown.”
“Wait…what?” Faith asked.
“Mapletown is a big, growing town with plenty of opportunities for all of us! I could get my old job back at the stables, Gideon is working at the ranch, Belle, Cassandra, and Danni could easily find job. It’s a no brainer.”
“You can’t expect us just to pack up and go,” Danielle said. She looked around the room at her sisters. “The girls go to school here; we have friends.”
“Belle and Caleb are engaged and Joe and I practically are as well,” Cassandra added, holding onto Joe’s arm.
“We’re a family; we stay together,” Albert said.
“So that’s why you left us?” Danielle countered.
“Danni, I did what I had to. I planned to come back for you—all of you!”
“We have our own lives here. You can’t just come back and expect us to drop everything for what you want.”


“Caleb, don’t go!” Belle ran to Caleb as he prepared to mount his horse.
“Don't go?!” Caleb spun around so fast that he startled Belle. “And stay here and be pals with your brother? I can’t do that. He helped the men who killed my brother. Davy! Your brother is part of the reason my brother is dead!” Caleb twisted his hat in his hands. “I need some space.” 
Belle stayed silent, not wanting to push Caleb.
“Davy was my best friend. We did everything together. He always helped me out. He would do extra chores for me when I wanted to be with my friends or go out hunting. He never tattled on me when I did wrong. He’s the one who talked me into seeing if you and Danni needed help plowing your fields! And now he’s gone...and your brother carries some of the blame.
“Being your fiancée means I have to interact with your family for the rest of my life. Right now, I can’t do that. Not with what just happened. Not with him.”
“Albert is a good man, Caleb, and we don’t know if he was the one who shot Davy. Plus, Albert would never kill someone in cold blood. He obviously has fallen off the straight path, but he really is a good man.” Belle fumbled for a way to appeal to Caleb.
“We can find out who shot him. Let’s ask him.” Caleb started back for the house.
“What? I want to know if he killed my brother.” Caleb flung open the door. “Albert. Who fired the gun that killed my brother?”
The O’Neals looked up in surprise at Caleb’s return.
Albert fidgeted, “Well…it was dark…I couldn’t be sure…”
“Who fired the gun that killed my brother?” Caleb repeated, his voice getting dangerously tight.
“Why does it matter?”
“I think you know why it matters.”
Albert moved Nadia off his lap and stood to his full height. “Fine. I fired the gun.”
Belle’s body buckled in shock at the news. Thankfully, Paul was nearby to support her. He quickly pushed her back to her feet and moved her to his seat.
“Albert!” Cassandra exclaimed. “How could you?!”
“You shot Davy?” Nadia’s big blue eyes turned accusingly to her big brother.
Caleb launched across the room, tackling Albert to the floor. “You devil! You shot my brother in cold blood and here you are, breaking bread with the O’Neals as if you are some prodigal son! You may be a prodigal son, but you’re also a murderer!” Caleb balled his fist and nailed Albert in the face.
“Cut it out!” Paul shouted, making his way to the wrestling duo on the floor.
“How could you shoot Davy? He was our friend!” Cassandra yelled at Albert. “How could you shoot a man for no reason?!”
Paul pulled Caleb off of a bloody Albert and dragged the former outside. “Caleb! Now is not the time!”
“He killed my brother. He killed my brother.” Caleb wiped the blood off his knuckles.
“I know. But you need to take Davy into town and you need to go to your parents. You need to grieve with them. You’re emotions are running too high to deal with Albert now. You let me handle this.”
Caleb marched outside with Belle following him.
            “I’ll be back in a few days,” Caleb said, mounting his horse.
Belle nodded. “I love you.”
Caleb took the reins and spurred his horse. With Davy’s sheet-covered body strapped to the back of his horse, he rode towards town.
Belle turned towards the cabin and saw Paul waiting by the woodpile. 
“You okay?” he asked quietly.
Belle shook her head. 
Paul opened his arms and Belle allowed him to envelope her in his safe embrace. How she had missed the safety and reassurance a father could give his daughter!
“I’m sure this is a lot for you to think about,” Paul said.
“I didn’t think I’d ever see Albert again. And now to see him finally...but he was with Charles Wiggins!” She sniffed. “He killed my fiancée’s brother! Caleb is hurting so much.  He is mad at Albert and I think he’s mad at me too. I don’t know if he’ll ever forgive Albert. How can I ever forgive Albert?”
“Okay, take a second to breathe,” Paul said, briefly rubbing her back.
Belle took a deep breath and pulled back. 
“Look, Belle, Caleb is a good man. He and Albert will solve their differences one day. But right now, Caleb lost his brother and he should be with his family so they can properly grieve.”
“I know...I’ve just never seen him so upset.”
“Give him the space he needs and he’ll be back when he’s ready. And I don’t think that will be too long.”
Belle smiled slightly. “Thanks.”
Paul put his arm around her and led her inside. The girls and Joe were still seated in the sitting room and Lillian was cleaning up Albert in the kitchen. Paul led Belle into the kitchen. 
He leaned close to Lillian and whispered, “I’m taking the men into town. Don’t hold dinner.” He knew he would eventually have to turn in Albert as well, but he decided that the girls had enough stress to think about. He didn’t want them to be stressed about Albert in jail too.
“Did you talk to Belle?” Lillian inquired. 
“Yep. She’s gonna be okay.”
“Will she?”
Paul kissed Lillian and slipped back outside. He knew Lillian was thinking about Albert’s desire to move the girls to Mapletown, but until Albert and Belle discussed that, he knew there was no point worrying over it.
Lillian turned to Belle and observed the redness of her eyes. The poor girl had been through so much in her life and always kept everything bottled up inside. She was thankful Paul had convinced her to open up. Lillian reached over and patted Belle's hand. 
Belle looked up and briefly smiled.
“I think you two need to talk,” Lillian said. “I’ll send the girls outside.”
Albert sat across from Belle and waited until Lillian ushered the girls outside, announcing it was time to clean out the barn.
“I’m sorry, Belle. I didn’t know he was a friend of yours.”
“A friend of mine?” Belle’s face registered confusion. “Either way, friend or not, you shot an innocent man! In cold blood!”
Albert clenched his jaw. “Caleb killed Charles! He shot a man just like I did.”
“In self-defense! Caleb saved Joe’s life! I'm not happy he shot a man, but he did what he had too. Charles threatened the lives of our entire family.
“Family? What are you doing here with the O’Neals?”
Belle frowned at the change of subject. “What do you mean?”
“Why are you living with them? Why do the girls call them ‘Ma’ and ‘Pa?’ I don’t understand it. We promised Mama to raise the kids up in the hills on our farm. Why are you here?”
“Same reason you left. We couldn’t care for everyone by ourselves. You left to find a better home for the boys. I never intended to leave the farm but the sheriff insisted otherwise. The O’Neals were the only couple to offer a home for all of us. I accepted their help because they were my only option. Plus, the O’Neals can give the girls so much more than we could ever give them. They take care of the girls while I still get to help raise them, and I even have time for Caleb.”
Albert looked away. “Well, now you have a new offer. I want you girls to come with me to Mapletown.”
“It’s a boom town, Belle! There are millions of opportunities for all of us. I could get my old job back, Gideon has a steady job, and you, Cassandra, and Danni can easily get jobs. We could be a family again.”
“Just like we always wanted.”

            “This is stupid!” Danielle shouted, hurling an old wooden crate across the barn floor.
            “Danni,” Elsie crossed the barn and grabbed her arm. “Calm down.”
            “You calm down!” Danielle snapped.
            Faith joined the two. “I know we’re all upset, but this is no way to act. You’re acting like a child.”
            “I don’t care!” Danielle pulled away from both and seized another wooden crate. 
            This time, a firm hand caught Danielle’s hand just before she threw the crate. Danielle turned to see Lillian beside her.
            “Give me the crate.”
            Danielle passed over the crate and Lillian handed it to Faith. “Faith, dear, why don’t you take the girls down to the creek? I think we could use a break.”
            Faith whispered a quick “yes ma’am” and left the barn to Lillian and Danielle.
            “Leave me alone,” Danielle made a move to leave the barn but Lillian stopped her.
            “I think we need to talk,” Lillian replied.
            “I don’t want to talk.”
            “Sometimes there are things in life that we don’t want to do, but we have to do them anyways.”
            Danielle sighed in frustration and fell down on a hay bale. “What do you want to talk about?”
            “It’s not about me; it’s about you. A lot happened today and you’re not taking it well. Why don’t you tell me what you’re thinking?” Lillian sat on a nearby hay bale and folded her hands in her lap.

            Danielle sat quietly, not wanting to give in to Lillian that easily. She waited a few minutes, testing Lillian’s patience. Finally, Danielle realized Lillian had out-waited her.
“I’m…angry at Albert,” Danielle said. “He was with Charles and he shot Davy! Davy was my friend. And now Albert wants us to move back with him? I don’t want to leave here again, but I’m afraid Belle will want to move with him. Then I’ll have a decision to make. I’ll have to choose between my family or you guys.”
            “Aren’t Paul, Oakley, and I part of your family now as well?” Lillian asked softly.
            Danielle looked up, “I mean...yeah, but you’re not blood relatives.”
            “Family isn’t always blood. Family is the people in your life who want you in theirs. It’s the people who would do anything to make you smile, the ones who support you in what you
do, and the ones that love you no matter what.”
            Danielle was silent. Her mind went to the past months she had spent with the O'Neals. All they had done for her, the times they spent together, and the memories they had made. “Then we must be family,” Danielle responded tearfully.
            Lillian closed the distance between them and hugged Danielle. “I just want you girls to know that Paul and I love you all and we will always be your family, no matter what you decide.”
            “But what do you want us to do?” Danielle murmured into Lillian’s shoulder. “Do you want us to leave or stay?”
            “After all I just said you still have to ask? Of course I want you to stay! Selfishly, that’s what I want. However, I also want what’s best for all of you and what’s best might not be what I want.”
            Danielle pulled back. “I’m not going with Albert. I’m going to do everything I can to stop him from convincing Belle.”


  1. Oh, I really must get caught up on your stories! I need to go back through the posts and read them all up to here. ;)

    1. :) I have a lot of stories and blog posts I need to catch up on too!

  2. Ahhhh! I can't wait to read what happens next!

    1. I'm trying to get more chapters scheduled! Yesterday I wrote out some more paragraphs for the next chapters! Looking forward to sharing it with you guys :)
