Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Prayers Please

Hey guys.
I should've posted this earlier but I just thought of it now before I went to bed. Some of you might remember I posted a loooong time ago about feeding my neighbor's animals when he is sick. Well....he passed away on Friday. He was about seventy five I think. I have been feeding the animals since January for him. His health was slowly delcining. We just weren't expecting it so soon.
I was over to see his family tonight. Part of them anyways. I spoke to his wife and she's doing all right. I spoke with his one daughter too.  He has six children but shes the one I knew best. She was doing all right too...

The funeral is tomorrow (Wednesday) morning. Just pray for the family and me. He was gruff on the outside, but inside he was a good guy and I loved him like family. His daughter told me that he thought of me like a granddaughter and I know I thought of him like a grandpa.

Thanks guys. Have a good week!


  1. Aww, that's so sad. I'll be praying for all of you! <3

  2. I'm sorry to hear that. I'll be keeping you all in my prayers!

  3. That's got to be so hard! I'll definitely keep you guys in my prayers!

  4. I just lost my grandpa... I know how you feel. (Even if he isn't your real grandpa;) Praying for y'all!

    1. I just realized how bad that sounded. *facepalm* I'm sorry, Lauren! I didn't mean it that way... :P
      Praying for you guys!

  5. That is so difficult to lose close friends. I will keep you and his family in my prayers!

  6. Thank you all so much for your prayers. It was a tough day for me and an immensely hard day for his children and wife. Thinking of your kind thoughts during the service kept me going :) <3
    Please keep the family in your prayers especially since his children don't attend church/and or don't seem to be saved.
