Thursday, December 10, 2015

What Happens Next?

Hiya readers!! I hope you are all enjoying this Christmas season! Many other blogs that I follow host writing "competitions" or "assignments" and I thought it would be fun to do one of my own! So if you're into writing, please read on!!

   Yesterday, I was looking through a notebook of mine. This notebook has been used for random writings, math homework, and other random bits of information. I was cleaning out all the stuff I didn't need and I came across a piece of paper with only three simple sentences on it. It reads as follows:

Danielle sat up and threw off the blankets. 
She couldn't stand it any longer. 
She rushed down the loft.

   I cannot remember what I was writing at the time and apparently I never finished it! So, how about you guys finish it for me? Go ahead and write two-three paragraphs to tell what you think happens next! Then email me your writings using the "Contact" form on the right sidebar.

   I'll give you until Sunday, December 20th to send me your pieces and I'll post the writings before Christmas. Sound fun? Hope y'all can participate; I know it's a busy time of year. If you think I should extend the deadline, let me know.


  1. Oh, this looks like fun! :) Is there a word limit? I know you said two-three paragraphs. . .but I tend to write super long paragraphs unless there's a word limit. ;)
    Thanks for doing the contest; I can't wait to enter! :D

    1. Mmm I'm not sure what I would choose as the word limit so I'm just gonna let you guys have free rein for this one :-)

  2. You have notebooks filled with random stuff too??!!! Yay! I'm not alone! :D I have SO many. It's interesting to look back through them and see stuff from different times, how things (and my handwriting!) has changed. :)

    Oh, looks fun!! I really want to enter, but I can't promise I will. With all the stuff going on right now and all. But I very much want to and I'll try!! :)

    1. Haha yes! It is interesting to see how things have changed. My handwriting has gone through a couple stages over my teen years haha :D

      I hope you can enter! I'll probably end up extending the deadline since this is such a busy time.
