Friday, September 25, 2015

Taking a break... :-(

Hey blog readers!
  I'm sorry to say that I need to take a break from the blogging world for a while. School has been taking up my time and I have ACTs to study for *ugh*. I think it is best for me if I don't post on my blog for a while. I might try to schedule some more O'Neals for each week but I still have to edit those chapters before I post them so I might not have time for that.
I will still probably check out your blogs and try to enter your writing contests and such. Thanks for reading my stories and following :D You guys are awesome and it's been fun "getting to know" some of you.


  1. That's understandable, Lauren. :) I've been wondering how much of a 'back seat' blogging is going to take when school is really up and going for me. ;)
    It's been great getting to know you too!
    - Faith

  2. Yeah, I totally understand! I'm starting my senior year and it has been crazy. I'm either up until midnight trying to finish everything or I cut back on my writing/blogging.
    It's been great getting to know you and I'm so glad you've posted some of your stories for us to read. :)
