
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Q&A Idea!!

Hey hey! I'm trying to come up with some fun and interesting posts for you guys so since Faith recently did this on her blog Stories by Firefly!, I'm going to steal borrow her idea :)

I actually had an idea to do this specifically concerning the Hansen Girls and O'Neal Girls stories. You guys could ask questions about the characters and such and I would answer them and give you more background on the characters.

However, doing a broader Q&A would be more fun and since I haven't shared any O'Neal Girls chapters recently, it just makes sense. Maybe in the future, I'll do a mini "O'Neal Girls Q&A" who knows?

So, go ahead and send me some questions you have! Of course, take care what kind of questions you ask. Nothing too personal, inappropriate, gross, irrelevant etc. Silly questions are very welcome! Would-You-Rathers are great too! Serious questions are also welcome! This Q&A is for you guys to get to know me better and perhaps for ME to know ME better :P


  1. Sounds like fun! Here are a few questions:
    1) When did you first start writing?
    2) What was your first story?
    3) What are your goals in the writing world?
    4) How long ago did you start your blog?
    5) What is your favorite part of blogging, and favorite post you've done?
    6) How many siblings do you have?
    7) What is your ideal vacation?
    8) If your could visit two places in the world, where would they be and why?
    9) Am I asking too many questions?
    10) Would you rather swim with a great white shark or walk with a lion?
    11) What is your favorite animal and why?
    12) What is your favorite color?
    13) Describe yourself in one (or two) sentence/s.
    14) What are your hobbies? (Other than blogging and writing.)

    Ooookay. Well, I think that's plenty. If I asked too many, go ahead and pick only your favorites. This was fun!

  2. So. Much. Fun. Can't wait to see your Q&A, Lauren! :D Here's my list of questions with a few would-you-rathers. (Pardon all the food related ones. I'm hungry. :P)

    Water, tea or coffee? And for any of those, hot or cold?
    What's your favorite way to eat peanut butter?
    Chicken or turkey? Beef or pork?
    Brownies and ice cream or birthday cake with frosting?
    Do you prefer to write by hand or on a computer/electronic device?
    Do you keep a journal? If so, do you let anyone read it?
    What's your favorite flower?

    Would you rather...get bitten once by a mountain lion or a shark?

    Would you rather...hang by your feet off a bridge with only your best friends present or lick frosting off your nose on a stage in front of 500 people?

    Would you rather...marry a man ten years older than you or five years younger?

  3. Oh, fun idea, Lauren! Here are some questions I came up with; random, weird, and fun ;)

    What do you think now of the first story you ever wrote?
    What do you enjoy most about writing?
    What is your strongest subject in school?
    What is your weakest subject in school?
    Would you rather read or write?
    Waffles or pancakes?
    If you could have one superhero power, what would it be?
    Baking or cooking?
    Would you rather marry a bald man or a man with shoulder-length hair? (keeping in mind that both men meet your qualifications and standards and all that, it’s just the hair really that’s the difference ;))
    Chocolate or vanilla?
    What is one of your favourite childhood memories?
    If you got the chance to perform a solo song in front of more than a 1000 people, would you take it?
    Would you rather hear fingernails on a chalkboard or heavy metal?
