
Monday, June 13, 2016

{Monday Meditations} What do you Desire?

Hello all! Thanks for dropping by. Sorry I haven't been posting much recently. This week is VBS at my church. I will do little to no writing. I'll mostly be editing videos. I am in charge of editing the VBS video for the end of the week and also, I like to do personal vlogs. Me and my friends have fun during VBS with vlogging :D

Hope you enjoy these thoughts I have for you today.

1 Peter 2:2 “As newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the Word, that ye may grow thereby."

"What do you Desire?"

In this world, there are an abundance of things we can desire. People desire wealth, prosperity, a spouse, a family, good friends, good job, nice car, the latest electronics, anything! The word desire means to have an "intense craving". I'm sure something has come to mind for you that you desire. Keep that thought in mind. The Bible says we shouldn't desire material things or the things in this world, but we should desire the things of God. Think about your desires. Do you desire the things of the world or the things of God?

Paul writes to the Philippians  in chapter four verse se
venteen, "Not because I desire a gift but I desire fruit that may abound to your account." Paul wasn't concerned with the things the world had to offer. He wasn't worried about money or social status. He was concerned about spiritual things like leading lost ones to Christ and helping young Christians to grow! Paul was writing to the Philippians to encourage them to have the right desires—the desires of Christ.

1 Corinthians 14:1 says, "Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts..." Paul again says that our desires should be for the things of God and not after the things of men. This is a big issue. We are all under the curse of sin and we have to battle our sin nature and the flesh in order to follow God. Christians can easily get caught up in desiring the wrong things if we are not careful. Peer pressure wounds a lot of Christian teens. People like to be accepted and included and to be accepted, some teens change. It's a sad reality to watch friends or acquaintances I once knew turn away from spiritual things and follow their wicked desires down a destructive path. But this doesn't affect just teens, although teens have a greater chance at this. Adults can get caught up in work and ranks and forget about working for the Lord. Everyone has a weakness that Satan will target. If our focus is not on God, we will fail. But praise the Lord that He is right beside to help us get back on our feet, IF we allow Him too.

In Proverbs 11:23 it says, "The desire of the righteous is only good." Children of God should be focusing on clean, holy, Christlike thoughts. Our main goal should be to honor Christ with our words, thoughts, and actions. That's why we are here.

The final passage of Scripture I have is Psalm 73:25. Here the psalmist says, "Whom have I in Heaven but Thee? And there is none upon the earth that I desire beside Thee." The psalmist desired Christ. He had his priorities straight and he had decided that whatever happened, he would keep desiring Christ. He had a strong love for our loving, merciful Savior. He wanted to be like Christ. Wouldn't you love to have that testimony?

Today we need to ask ourselves, "Is Christ my first priority? Do I desire Him?"


  1. Wow, this was really good, Lauren. Thanks so much for sharing. I know I'm not reading it the day you posted, but I this was something I really needed to hear it today and be reminded, so thank you so much for posting.
    I need to keep that last question in mind; it's something I often don't even think about. Thank you so much for writing and sharing. :)

    1. Glad you liked this! I write these out mostly for myself, so I remember to work on it :) But I'm glad I've been able to share some with you guys and hopefully it encourages you and makes you think.
      Thanks for the comment!
