
Friday, February 12, 2016

Infinity Dreams Award

Finally found time to complete this! Jesseca Dawn from Whimsical Writings tagged me in this award. Thank-you! Please check out Jesseca's blogs if you haven't already!


Eleven Random Facts About Myself!

  1. I am a senior!
  2. I have been accepted to college 
  3. I am on a Bible Quizzing Team from my church
  4. I obsess over musicals
  5. I take care of my neighbors horses when he is ill
  6. I go hunting once a year
  7. I had to have a surgery last year :-(
  8. I sang at a funeral this past week
  9. I want to start an acapella group
  10. I recently visited NYC! (Post about that hopefully coming soon)
Okay, now for the questions!

1. What is your favorite movie?
Ugh. This is so hard to answer. My favorite animated movie, Lion King! My favorite movie-musical is Les Miserables. My favorite regular sister and I recently watched Facing the Giants and I love that movie so much!

2. Favorite genre of books?
I love a good mystery or books dealing with 1800s pioneer people (lol don't know what the "official" genre for that is called)

3. Books that are releasing in 2016 you are looking forward to reading?
 The Circle C Milestone Books :D

4. If you could travel anywhere in the U.S., where would you go?
I'd love to go out west! Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, or South Dakota!

5. Do you play any instruments?
I play piano and I sing :D

6. What is your favorite classical song?
Classical...hmm I don't listen to a lot of classical music. My sister does play some classical songs on the piano and some are pretty cool sounding.

7. Surprise! You've just been given a ticket to meet your favorite author! Who is it? As a kid, I loved reading the Christian Heritage series by Nancy Rue. She was my favorite back then! I have the Charleston Years series actually and I've read them over six times. Anyone else ever read those? Right now, I can't say I have one favorite author so I'll go with meeting Nancy Rue because through her books, I developed a love for that time era.

8. Favorite outdoor activity?
Right now, I like to sled since we have snow! But I like getting together with my friends and playing games like Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, or other dumb Youth Group games together haha.

9. Would you rather do laundry or clean the kitchen? (I know, I'm making you work ;P)
What kind of question is this?! Lol kidding. I'd say laundry because cleaning our entire kitchen is too much work.

10. What is you favorite book in the Bible and why is it your favorite?
Hmm this is a tough one. Probably Psalms just because of all the encouraging verses and many of the verses are parts of hymns or choruses we sing at church.

11: Who is your favorite historical character and why?
I do like Laura Ingalls and reading about the family. I love the pioneer days (obviously) so her story is very intriguing. (Plus I loved the TV series. And the mini series movie with Cameron Bancroft and Erin Cottrell. Anyone see that?) Oh but Corrie Ten Boom is probably my absolute favorite. I read the Hiding Place book for school three years ago, then the following year I did a speech on her and it was really fun to learn about her and her remarkable faith in God. If you don't know much about Corrie ten Boom, I highly recommend reading her book!

All the bloggers I follow have been tagged so feel free to do this if you haven't already!

Here are the rules:

Use the Infinity Dreams Award picture
Thank the blogger who tagged you
Tell us 11 facts about yourself
Answer the 11 questions
Tag 11 bloggers


  1. Oh, I had a ton of fun reading your answers! And your random facts. :)
    You've been accepted into college??? I'm a senior as well but...I'm waiting till next year for all that fun stuff. What are you going to college for?
    Facing the Giants is really good! We just watched it again the other day. :)
    Montana, Wyoming and Colorado are gorgeous!You'd love it there. ;) Well, except for the cold in Montana. I didn't much like that. ;P

    1. I was accepted in December I think. It's pretty scary...yet exciting at the same time! I plan to major in Communication Arts (digital media stuff, videography, photography).
      I used to know someone who spent time in Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota. She always said it was beautiful. Maybe one day I'll make it out there! The cold would be annoying...I hate this cold weather. I love fall weather the best!

  2. I had a lot of fun reading your answers and learning more about you, Lauren! :)
    That's great that you've been accepted into college! :)
    I really enjoy reading books set in the 1800's too, especially if it has to do with the Oregon Trail. I'm not sure what the "official" genre is called either. ;)
    I said Laura Ingalls for my favorite historical person too. I've seen the TV series and I also saw the mini series, but personally I like the TV series better. :)

    1. Thanks for commenting, Rebekah! Haha I wonder if there is even an "official" genre for it :D
      TV Series is the best for sure. I thought the mini-series was interesting...mainly I liked watching it because of Erin Cottrell being Missy in the Love Comes Softly series.

    2. I just wanted to let you know that I tagged you for The Spectacular Book Tag. If you'd like to participate here is the link:

  3. Wait, you've read the Christian Heritage series??? No way! I have finally found someone!!! :D Have you read them all? There's the Salem Years, the Williamsburg Years, the Charleston Years, the Cicago Years, and the Santa Fe years. They're all awesome!!! ;)

    1. Haha! I know very little people who've read them too! I haven't read them all, only what my library offered. I read the Williamsburg and Charleston series and I think maybe one each of the others but I only liked Williamsburg and Charleston :)

  4. I loved reading your answers, Lauren!
    Congrats on getting accepted to college!! *highfive*
    Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and South Dakota are beautiful. :)
    Yes!! I have seen the Little House mini-series and I would've guessed that you liked it. ;)

    1. Thanks! *high fives back*
      Haha I guess it's pretty obvious what shows I like :D
